Anton's Story

Anton Nikonov
Anton Nikonov
9 years old (04.11.2014)
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
Raised 0 rub.
To be raised 295000 rub.
Fund-raising: Rehabilitation course
In the life of Anton Nikonov's mom it happened so that she could not give birth herself and decided to adopt. She adopted two boys. The older son, Anton, seemed to be healthy, but, unfortunately, it later turned out that he could not hear, and then doctors diagnosed him with cerebral palsy. It was a big shock for the woman. When everything turned out, her husband left the family, but Anton's mom was supported by her parents. After that, numerous rehabilitation courses in various centers began. Doctors believe in Anton and believe that he has every chance to maximize his socialization. Now the boy takes courses of functional and bobat therapy, he is engaged with a speech therapist and speech pathologist. And the results are there! But in order for positive changes to accumulate, rehabilitation courses must be continued, and this requires funds.
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