Bogdan Safonov Charity Fund "Movement to Achievement"
The key goal of Bogdan Safonov's Public Benefit Charity Fund "Movement to Achievement" is to raise funds for treatment, rehabilitation and social assistance to children and adults with cerebral palsy and other severe diseases. The Fund also actively supports the introduction of the latest medical and related technologies in Russia, which allow to qualitatively improve the level of treatment and rehabilitation services.
We are convinced that every child and adult with cerebral palsy is capable, albeit in small steps, to move towards their own life goals and achieve them to the joy of themselves, their families and friends. We strive to help everyone to get maximum access to the most advanced methods of treatment, rehabilitation and social adaptation. Besides, we strive to create a unified environment of communication between healthy people and people with cerebral palsy around the Fund, where everyone with our help and support could gain self-confidence and appreciate their achievements!