Anna's story

Anna Petina
Anna Petina
6 years old (04.11.2017)
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
Raised 0 rub.
To be raised 140360 rub.
Fund-raising: Rehabilitation course
Anna was born on the 260th week of pregnancy by an emergency cesarean section. For the first three months Anna was actively fighting for life together with her mother, being on intensive care unit (ICU). Her parents often call her “Rushing Girl” - because she was born prematurely, weighing 840 grams and was able to stand. The baby was born with many diagnoses: brain ischemia, periventricular leucomalacia - cystic form, pneumonia, retinopathy of prematurity 2-3st., weak myopia, complex astigmatism, hemangioma of the anterior abdominal wall, etc. But most importantly, she was alive! At the age of two months, Anna underwent surgery - laser coagulation, which returned her sight. As a result, the girl found herself at home with a lot of diagnoses, but thanks to the support of relatives and the help of good doctors, some of them were removed, with others Anna is still fighting. Right after the birth of the little girl the parents started treatment, but it was not possible to avoid cerebral palsy. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, hip drive, knee flexion, flat-valgus foot, adductor and rotational syndrome. Despite the worst prognosis, the girl grew and developed, but still lagged behind in development. In the end, she was given a disability. At the age of 1.5 Anna learned to sit up, and at the age of 2 she began to take her first steps. Now Anna is undergoing regular courses of rehabilitation treatment, including botulinum therapy, stage plastering, applied kinesiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, neuroprotective therapy and other procedures. Positive dynamics in the motor sphere is noted against the background of the treatment, but a support is required when walking longer distances and climbing stairs. Muscle tone is increased with predominance in the legs. Anna is a very inquisitive and patient child, at the age of 6 she already dreams of becoming a doctor. In between rehabilitation courses the little girl actively develops: she swims, rides horses, draws, studies letters and numbers, learns poems and begins to read, goes to sing folk songs. And recently the girl took part in the Festival “Children's Dreams”, received a diploma and a medal. Specialists give good prognoses, but the main condition is daily lessons and constant rehabilitation. Anna wants to live a full-fledged life like all the other children, to jump and run, but so far she only manages to watch her peers running around the yard and try to do as they do. Soon school time awaits her, and both Anya and her family want and believe that the girl will be able, like children, to go to school on her own, proudly carrying a bunch of bouquets to her first teacher.
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